Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thank God for our President!!!


President says DeLay is not guilty of money laundering.

Hooray! At least someone in Washington is standing up for our Tommi! And it just happens to be the commander in chief, the head of the executive branch, and our new hero. It's about time someone showed our beloved Leader just how much all of Washington is in his debt.

Now maybe that judge and prosecutor will just shut up and go home. I mean, if the President says you're innocent, doesn't that mean an automatic drop all charges kind of thing? I thought that's what happened. Didn't that happen for Nixon?

I'm gonna write our President and tell him I think it's just great but if he really means it he should write it down and make it an official pardon. Isn't that what it's called?


Blogger Kathy said...

Well, that judge should just drop all the charges right now, or if he doesn't, the jury should just rise up in protest and find me innocent before the trial even starts. And then they should find the judge and the prosecutor guilty of treason. After all, our Dear Leader has told them I'm innocent, so they have to stop persecuting me. Right now, if not sooner. After all, I need to get back to work making sure Republicans take over the world.

-- Tom DeLay

7:42 AM  
Blogger Douglas Hoffman said...

A complete pardon for DeLay.

Oooh, I like that idea. Maybe it'll catch on.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Alicia Morgan said...

Of course a complete pardon is the only possible choice. And the sooner, the better. As you can plainly see, the Republicans are lost without Tommi. Democrats getting all uppity.

2:03 AM  
Blogger Fran / Blue Gal said...

I really do think it's the only alternative they've got. I mean, without Tommi, the Republican Party is just, well, over.

2:27 PM  

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